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Strategy puzzle games by Sacada

Blog posts February 2017

Build #242 Update

When the last build went to Live it had a loading bug. I had been playing that build as a beta during the day but my configuration was correct from my Dev work.

My apologise for doing a build and then off to bed. Sheesh, no time for sleep anyway.

Thanks Mad Dog Torx for beta testing this new version.

* Fixed loading bug
* beta implementation of F12 for screen capture

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Build #225 Update

Another short build to keep the latest interface improvements coming to you.

* Mouse off to stop scrolling forever when over popups of off the screen
* Warning message for large resolution screens (temp until fix)
* Auto fullscreen if < 1500 wide. Auto windowed mode if greater.
* Players don't make the complete towns leaderboard with < 20 towns.
* Added save game protection file. Just sometimes not all the games show up on the list. Rare, but does happen, so just want to make sure they don't get overwritten with a new or copied game.
* Leaderboards are now public. Have a bunch more but have come into a new snag.
* Made industry upgrade achievement titles unique.

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Build #214 Update

Another short build to keep the latest interface improvements coming to you.

* Mouse to edge of screen scrolling for drag and navigation
* Arrow keys to move the map around
* No popup menu on right click
* Leaderboards
* Truck-dragging, mouse-move, town-popup windows now stay full size, so they are readable and get out of the way of the truck-dragging mouse-move.

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Build #208 Update

Another update with some helpful things. Most of the work done is for upcoming builds.

* WASD keys to move around the map
* ZXC keys for zoom in and out
* Had to change the format of all the sounds and reimplement
* Had to change the format of the music
* A couple of graphics like enlarge the paint icon
* Fix a few achievement bugs
* Setting up data capture for the Leaderboards

NOTE: Occasionally when you start LOGistICAL, use the "copy" button next to your current game to create a copy of it. A new copy of the game will start and save into the next available slot once the game saves (ie move a truck). The save message is in the bottom right of the screen.

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Build #189 Update

A small release following the first LOGistICAL release to clean up a few things.

* Renamed South Sydney to Central Sydney
* Enhanced green light with glow (unload or not unload entire cargo)
* Turn music on (for the full atmospheric effect ;)
* Fix speedup issue (winning the contract was not giving the speedup)
* Paint Trucks contract (made it closer to the game start)
* Truck auto stops when industry input is full. You can now click the trucks start button if that input falls below the max. Industries and Stores.

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LOGistICAL Promo Video

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LOGistICAL is now on Steam

LOGistICAL has now been moved to Steam. Enjoy the updates, new functionality and now with over 2,000 Steam Achievements.

The advantage of Steam Achievements is that you can see how many others have gained the same achievements as you. Also compare with your friends.


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7 blog posts