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Strategy puzzle games by Sacada

Blog posts August 2017

LOGistICAL: USA - Florida

LOGistICAL: USA - Florida is now available and will be discounted for the first week of release.

* Deliver Cape Canaveral's long list of needs.
* Sort out the fishing quarantine issues along the Florida Keys
* Build you own industries to sort out the fruit and vegetable quarantine areas
* Supply and finish many large cities
* Work your way through the long complex maze of road enhancements to finally allow all your large trucks access across the state
* Many, many other small and large puzzles and situations to complete.

LOGistICAL: USA - Florida brings you all the fun and puzzling of LOGistICAL with even more towns, more puzzles and much more to do.


Over 700 towns to Complete.
LOGistICAL: USA - Florida game covers the US state of Florida including cities like Tallahassee, Orlando, Miami, Tamp, Jacksonville and the Keys.
There are many new obstacles and deliveries to make.

LOGistICAL: USA - Florida is an independent, standalone game independent from the main LOGistICAL game (and other add-ons).
It has its own money, trucks and of course, challenges.

Updates for all Modules

With the release of Florida comes a few new updates.

Click Towns in Statistics

Towns within the Statistics (F2) popup are now clickable and will open up the clicked town and center the map on that town.

You can also stop the map from centering if you hold (ctrl) while clicking the town.

Keyboard shortcuts update

Additional and modified keyboard shortcuts include:

* -/+ = Game speed up/down
* 0/9 = Game speed min/max
* H = Toggle tooltips on/off

Other stuff

Other stuff ramping up for the next big release.

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Listed is the start of keyboard shortcuts that you can use while playing LOGistICAL.

Available Now

W A S D = move map around

Z X C = zoom in/out

Q = Stop/Start currently selected truck

E = Change status of fully empty cargo (little green light on cargo meter)

R = Repeat the truck route continuously on/off

space = Pause/unpause entire game

F1 = Help/discussion forum

F2 = Statistics page

F12 = Screen shot (may have to try a few times)

- / + or _ / = = game speed up/down

0 / 9 = minimum/maximum game speed

H = toggle tooltips on/off

Coming Soon

< > or , . = select next/previous truck

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Build #346

Another update towards to release of the Italy module.


Road dashes and Colour

Broken roads now have different dashes depending on the resource need to repair it. Dots and dashes distinguish them. There are only around 6 types, so not too hard to tell.

The colour of the broken road ranges from dark red (> 300t required) to pink (<20t required).

Broken Achievement Images

The in-game achievement images broke when the modular builds came out.
Regions that didn't have any industries to upgrade or roads to repair would never get completed images within the overall achievement graphic.
This has been repaired, so once you have a single town complete in that area the broken image will complete.

Tooltips and no Cicada

New tooltips have been added that will hover over all the different parts of the game popups.
Check them out, there might be something there to learn.
Also, if you think I should add a bit of information to any of them, let me know and that can be done.
You can turn them off in the settings and if you ever want to see them again, hold the control key down and mouse over the area so they pop up again.

Save game speed

A bit of work in this area to speed up the save process of saving your game.
More to come later.


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LOGistICAL: Italy

LOGistICAL: Italy will be available on the 22nd Aug 2017.

LOGistICAL: Italy is a complex beast adding some new stuff to LOGistICAL, including new town icons (ignore that this image is not properly placed when this screenshot was taken),

LOGistICAL: Italy has been co-designed with Marco Calcaterra (desangre), a local to the region. He not only placed all the industries, but also contributed to a nice complex puzzle using quarantine, islands and a north/south theme. He is now working on translating the game into Italian.

LOGistICAL: Italy creates a great thinking module, so relax and enjoy.

Build Update

There have been quite a few smaller fixes and builds since the LOGistICAL: British Isles release.

* Creation of "Global" contracts. First example is getting a 2x speedup after completing 50 towns. Now this exists as a global contract and is therefore available in all modules whether you are playing LOGistICAL, British Isles or Italy, etc. 

* The map that has been fixed to not scroll beyond the "flat earth" boundaries, has been extended East/West so zooming doesn't drag the map to the left or right of the screen when playing on the outer edges (eg New Zealand and Hawaii).

* Green outlines and shading for the level 3 industries on the Industry and Build screens, so they stand out more.

* Mouse over popup on the build industries to include the size of the industry you are selecting to build, as you move your mouse up and down over the icon.

* Fix on NL to not show both appox and detailed outlines.

* Night/Day transition and texture maps optimised.

* Fix to stop the main globe from going green/blue screen if you click outside the globe.

* Town rarity column on the Statistical LOGistICAL popup (click the total trophies icon to the left of the money). This rarity value is a comparative of how many players have managed to gain that achievement.
This rarity value is from Steam so will only show what is available on whichever module you are playing.

* Load game sometimes doesn't show data. This tends to happen if you load quickly after closing the game and Steam is still in the process of synchronising the save game files. This can get slower if you have a large game and also if you have a huge list of games in your list.

LOGistICAL will create a new save game for you every day, but you are responsible for reducing the amount of games that exist in that list. You will need to use the delete button next to the copy and load buttons. If you try to remove them with your windows explorer, they will sync back from the cloud.

* A couple of fixes and image enhancements of the Statistical LOGistICAL screen.

* Bunch of minor back-end fixes.

LOGistICAL chat

* Created a live Chat on Discord, so you can talk with other logistical players. Learn from those experienced players and I will also try to be there a lot.

Beta Testing

This build will be available for beta testing over the next few hours on both LOGistICAL and LOGistICAL: British Isles.

Thanks for playing.

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Build #342

Small build with a few post fixes to last big build.

Fix achievements tab not selecting.
Fix achievements having blank line in some modules.
Mouse over shrunken notifications to expand. (nb. Close all coming soon).
Optimised night/day code and graphics.

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Build #338

This is fairly large build. It is the precursor to moving into a new structure of LOGistICAL games and add-ons.

This new structure links full, independent LOGistICAL games back to this original LOGistICAL game by sharing the same save game across them all. LOGistICAL: British Isles is the first of those games.

Here is a "simple" architectural diagram to show how LOGistICAL fits in with the Steam architecture.

Other things...

Background Textures

Background textures were turned off for a while as I dealt with lag and lockup issues. These issues have been mostly resolved with a new heart transplant, so the textures are back.
The new textures cover the entire map.

Since the textures were defaulted to "off" for new games for quite some time you may have to turn them back on. See Settings, Map, check on. The slider was to make the graphic fade but is now only working with the non-textured mapping.

LOGistICAL both Night and Day

Just so you know how hard you are working to fix these towns, LOGistICAL now moves between night and day. There is no advantage/disadvantage at this stage (coming soon), but you will see it in the background graphic.


Statistical LOGistICAL

Statistics are now available by clicking on the town trophy icon in the top panel, center screen.

Statistics are shown for all the modules that you own, including towns, roads, industries and a score.
You can drill into any module's statistics that have an asterisk (*). You can drill down through the regions to the towns.

Many stats may start as zero. To populate them load the DLC and then save your game (eg move a truck). You should only have to do this once.
On a slow computer, I found it easiest to just load a few modules, save, restart, check statistics and then load more.

Leaderboards will be added to the statistics soon.

Total Towns, Roads and Industries

These values are displayed when you mouse over your money in the top middle panel).
Since the "modular load" build of LOGistICAL, these values have not always been totally accurate, especially the roads and industries.
These have been fixed and are now totals of the statistics page, so if you can query them by drilling into them.
These values will only be fully accurate once you have loaded all the your game modules.

Dumping cargo

Once all towns are full, there maybe no where to deliver cargo from an industry that isn't fully upgraded.
You can now transport cargo to completed towns. There is no payment but the towns will gladly accept it.

Town Needs

Sometimes when there are town "needs" items that get duplicated. eg. a town may require bananas and fruit. Fruit also contains bananas. The collective groups will always show after the single items.
When this happens, you can't use bananas as a part of the fruit, as it will continue to be delivered into the banana line item.
Now the duplicate icons will no longer appear within those groups.

Towns decide where the incoming cargo goes with their own priority order.
If the town requires an item for their town needs and an industry within the town also requires that item, then the town "needs" get first priority.
The industry icon will now be displayed with a padlock over it until the town's needs have been completed.

New Tutorial

Flinders Island has been retired as a tutorial. It will soon appear as part of the Australia main map.

A new tutorial is now available and it is all about motorcycles.
This Isle of Man is known for its annual motorcycle races. The island is small and the bikes race around at crazy speeds.

Well, the Isle of Man wants motor bikes and lots of them. You are to build up all the industries that eventuate to a final product of producing motorcycles.

This tutorial is voluntary to all players that have passed the original tutorial.
There is no completion objective to allow you to move into the main games.
Just click the globe and click the country that you want to play and your initial truck(s) should appear with the first contract.

Achievements for the Isle of Man will only be available in the British Isles module.

Other things

Pause has been fixed and modified.
Pause now stops the trucks, industries production and town consumption.
While in pause you can still move trucks around the map and all the other general game play mechanics.
There is a pause icon in the center of the screen when the game is paused.

SPACE BAR is now a shortcut for pause.

The depot flag now sits over the town dot, so when zoomed out you can find it easier.

Iron ore in UK and BI modules has been hard to find, even for the most avid of players, so there is now a hint contract to help you find it.
Hint: If you are having trouble finding an industry within the map, try using an internet search. "Most" industries are placed where they should be.

A few minor fixes in the British Isles and Isle of Man modules.

Please Beta Test

As always, I would love you all to try the beta version out before it gets upgraded to Live (within the next 10 hours).

Beta uses the same save file as Live, so none of your game play will be lost.

I have set this beta to use the UK map, not the BI map, so it would be great to see if those playing UK find the new changes (eg Republic of Ireland and the Chanel Islands).

To play this new beta, right click on LOGistICAL in your Steam library, select Properties, select the "betas" tab, select "beta" from the drop down list. There is no password.

Thanks all for playing and hope you are all having fun doing so.

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LOGistICAL: British Isles

Updated information on LOGistICAL: British Isles (L:BI).


Naming convention

"LOGistICAL" - the original game which will remain up to date as the others.
"LOGistICAL - moduleWithDash" - an add-on DLC that requires the original game to play.
"LOGistICAL: moduleWithColon" - an independent game that doesn't require the original game to play.

LOGistICAL: British Isles (L:BI)

L:BI is a new fully functioning LOGistICAL game that runs independent to the current LOGistICAL game and its DLCs.

L:BI contains a new tutorial. Much larger than the old one. This tutorial will replace the current tutorials on all games. Achievements for this tutorial will only be available in the L:BI game.

Beta testers have been test playing L:BI for a while now. The game is working well and going to plan. There are still a few issues that I am looking into.

LOGistICAL - United Kingdom (L-UK)

L:BI is the replacement game for L-UK. L-UK was implemented after the achievement cap so I was unable to add any achievements to it.
More details:

L:BI and LOGistICAL share the same game save files. In theory that means that you can play any of the LOGistICAL games and modules from either install. Once L:BI is released all updates will occur simultaneously on both games.
I intend this to work for all upcoming modules, including LOGistICAL: Earth. ie They will be released as full games.

Steam has connected L:BI to L-UK. Therefore when L:BI is release (due date 8th Aug), all owners of L-UK should get L:BI in their library.

L:BI beta on LOGistICAL (335)

L:BI should theoretically be available and playable for all L-UK owners in the current LOGistICAL beta.
I encourage you to try it out, but start the game with a copy of your original as you can't go backwards, as there are additional towns, roads and contracts (not that you will likely need to).
Beta also shares the same game save file with the Live version, so no gameplay will be lost.

Oh, I forgot to mention... there are a bunch of updates in this build which includes the ability to deliver cargo to completed towns. This sorts the issue out for those that want to upgrade all industries to 100% but end up running out of places to deliver it.

To play beta, right click on LOGistICAL in your Steam library. Select properies, betas tab and select "beta" from the drop down list. There is no password required. Click close and the beta version should install. I should only be a small "difference" install from your current LOGistICAL installation.

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7 blog posts