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Strategy puzzle games by Sacada

Blog posts February 2020

LOGistICAL: Earth (coming soon)

Sacada has now released over 35 LOGistICAL modules covering half the planet, and is now working on the ultimate LOGistICAL module:

LOGistICAL 3: Earth.

LOGistICAL: Earth has around 50,000 towns to complete across the globe.
There are also 1000s of businesses, truck boosts, road fixes, industry upgrades, discovery contracts and much, much more.
The architecture has been extensively updated and it now takes a fraction of a second to map a route across the entire globe.
There are many sub games and sub-sub games within the game.
Every country is included.
There are many puzzles throughout the globe including many puzzles within many countries and groups of countries.
There are around 100,000 roads. There are also many ferries to take your trucks across short lengths of water.
Build up the Ocean network. Buy large ships and move cargo between continents.
There are over 200 cargo types and over 150 industries with more on the way.

LOGistICAL took while to complete. I didn't expect anyone to ever accomplish it but now many have.
LOGistICAL: Earth will take a life time. It could be the worlds largest puzzle about the world.

There is a channel on the Discord where you can get alpha versions of LOGistICAL: Earth as well as read or join in the discussions.

Try it out soon on Steam. In the meantime you can try out LOGistICAL 2 with many free modules and lots of DLC content to play.

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