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Strategy puzzle games by Sacada

LOGistICAL 2: Update #714

Quite a few minor builds plus a large restructure to the backend to make the loading of save games in V2 much faster.

The save process is different so I suggest you do a game copy (to the right of the load button) just in case. The first time you load there won't be any difference. This only happens after loading the new "save" structure.

There are many more language updates. Thanks to all those that are participating in that. Individual recognition throughout the update notes.

Builds are listed from the latest backwards...

Build #714

- New sort for high score tables that now sort by town, mailbox and then score.
- French translation (thanks HunterBill).

Build #713a

- Changed first casino to open to be Ormsby House which is a level 1 casino
- Fixed problem with casinos levels locking after restart
- Fix of duplicate IDs in businesses causing pink glows to not disappear
- Fix Rank text position on high score popup where module was overwriting instructions

Build #713

- Upgrade of road is darker orange than regular broken road
- Fix all the golf courses access road colours (circle in town popup)
- Monitor upgrades to show change in road access as circle in town popup
- Refresh map when upgrade or road fix is complete
- Fixed problem with road count going down when broken roads are later upgraded.

Build #712

- Set the surrounding one way roads for the road upgrade to be turned off while upgrading.
- Set the speed on the one-way roads that are turned off to be very slow as it will be very dangerous.

Build #711a

- Fixed glitch with circles not disappearing
- Fixed glitch with pin not disappearing

Build #710

W A R N I N G : This build has a new save structure so it is VERY advisable to create a copy of your game before proceeding.

- Fixed a bug that sometimes locked the game on load
- Fixed a bug that sometimes crashed on save
- Fixed a problem when clicking on "Black Rock City" in the truck list, when it was a destination
- Added some French Translation (thanks Hunter Bill)

Build #709

W A R N I N G : This build has a new save structure so it is VERY advisable to create a copy of your game before proceeding.

- Adjusted the save model to speed up the loading of an L2 game (only faster second time round)
- Compression on all the data files.
- Fixed issue with "return to depot" locking the truck in the depot
- Stage 1 of getting the High Score table into the statistics
- File list mouse click shows global towns and mailboxes
- Reduced size of pink dots
- Added more German translations (thanks Metthew)
- Added more Russian translations (thanks airON)

Build #708

- Allow to dump trucks into Belgium mailboxes that have more than one access roads
- Fix the screen animation layer from not clearing causing nice patterns
- Fix for roads not fully rendering in certain modes
- Removal of the "Advanced Navigation" settings that are no longer needed
- Fix if you can't connect to Steam but you can connect to the high score table (and you have some results), the game will still load.

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