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Strategy puzzle games by Sacada

LOGistICAL Updates 22nd Sept 2015

Logistical updates for 22nd Sep 2015...

 Complete Regions and States for Bonuses.
 Animations added to map and town popup.
 Lost town in South Australia found and mapped
 Lost truck in shop is now found
 Image of cargo in truck being dragged
 Parked trucks are now spaced out
 Update of graphics and colours
 Autoload first non-complete tutorial on load
 Update on last save in bottom right corner
 Efficiency is now calculated (Tonnes needed vs Tonnes moved)

 Arrows off screen calculated for border intersection
 Additional security on player details
 Adjusted startup tutorials to ease player into game
 A bunch of tutorials to cover various aspects of the map and challenges.

Restart your game to see the new updates.

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