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Strategy puzzle games by Sacada

Blog posts

LOGistICAL 3: Earth is here

and it is huge
After a very long development and test time, LOGistICAL 3: Earth is now ready and it is enormous.

LOGistICAL 3: Earth - Steam Store Page

LOGistICAL 3: Earth (LE) covers the entire planet. It now has streaming satellite backgrounds that take you right down to the houses with many photo quality images and Fun Fact about the locations.

There are nearly 50,000 towns and over 160,000 businesses to complete,
Upon release over 3,800 towns and 20,000 businesses have been completed by the testers and they have been working on this for months.

LOGistICAL: Earth includes your standard collection of trucks. It also contains trains, ships and planes.
Each have their own unique properties and will be required to solve many of the puzzles.

Make your way around the planet and slowly discover all the different areas, countries and industries.

New Features:
  • High quality background satellite and/or vector maps. (ctrl-M) to swap between them.
  • New User Interface with a new look.
  • Many new User Interface features.
  • Full town and country search function.
  • Comprehensive Filter tool to reduce clutter around the map.
  • Large lists for your trucks, trains, ships and planes.
  • Hundreds of contracts to do.
  • 100 new resources
  • 100 new industries
  • Huge amount of improvements to make the map and interface render quickly.

This is only just the beginning.
LOGistICAL: Earth will continue to grow. There are many new countries to complete.
I will continue building this game and give you constant FREE updates and FREE new areas to discover.

Released date: 23rd July 2020.

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LOGistICAL 3: Earth Screen Shots

Screen shots of LOGistICAL 3: Earth. Give you a bit of an idea of what its like. Full size images are available on the LOGistICAL Discord.

Some things you might notice in the images...

  • Satellite and other map backgrounds
  • Large truck list
  • Truck flags indicating the depot they came from
  • Ability to park trucks so you can buy more
  • Images for many of the towns and businesses
  • Hyperlinks with more information about the towns and businesses
  • Clusters showing the number of towns and businesses within that area
  • Filters to turn off parts of screen
  • Search to find any of the 50k towns or 180k business including many with local language search
  • Trucks, trains and ships
  • Large amount of contracts
  • Goals: Complete towns, complete businesses, complete clusters, complete contracts, complete regions, complete countries, complete EARTH

There is so much new stuff that hopefully a FAQ will be ready prior to release. Here are some of the answers that you may be asking...

  • Is the entire LOGistICAL 3: Earth (L3E) a single module with a single price... YES.
  • Will the game be release in June 2020... I am trying hard to meet the release date.
  • Will the game run on my old PC... If you have 64 bit Windows with 8 Gigs of RAM then you should be ok.
  • Does L3E require internet... At this point, YES. L3E has on-line hi-res maps and high score charts.
  • Will new content be available after release... YES. At no additional cost

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LOGistICAL: Earth (coming soon)

Sacada has now released over 35 LOGistICAL modules covering half the planet, and is now working on the ultimate LOGistICAL module:

LOGistICAL 3: Earth.

LOGistICAL: Earth has around 50,000 towns to complete across the globe.
There are also 1000s of businesses, truck boosts, road fixes, industry upgrades, discovery contracts and much, much more.
The architecture has been extensively updated and it now takes a fraction of a second to map a route across the entire globe.
There are many sub games and sub-sub games within the game.
Every country is included.
There are many puzzles throughout the globe including many puzzles within many countries and groups of countries.
There are around 100,000 roads. There are also many ferries to take your trucks across short lengths of water.
Build up the Ocean network. Buy large ships and move cargo between continents.
There are over 200 cargo types and over 150 industries with more on the way.

LOGistICAL took while to complete. I didn't expect anyone to ever accomplish it but now many have.
LOGistICAL: Earth will take a life time. It could be the worlds largest puzzle about the world.

There is a channel on the Discord where you can get alpha versions of LOGistICAL: Earth as well as read or join in the discussions.

Try it out soon on Steam. In the meantime you can try out LOGistICAL 2 with many free modules and lots of DLC content to play.

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LOGistICAL 2 Achievements and Sale

LOGistICAL 2 Achievements
A short while ago there was an inundation of simple games on Steam that awarded lots of achievements just for starting the game. These are often known as "spam" games.All new Steam games now go through a process to determine if the game is a "spam" game or not.
This process restricts the game so it isn't counted towards your library totals and the amount of achievements are limited to 100.
Steam have a secret automatic process that checks each restricted game until it meets their criteria. Once this is met the restrictions are lifted.
I have been working hard with the moderators to get LOGistICAL recognised as a "legitimate" game, including writing to Steam. Writing does not help. It must meet the criteria.

LOGistICAL 2 has finally met Steam's criteria and all restrictions have been lifted.
What does this mean for the LOGistICAL players?
LOGistICAL 2 and all the DLCs are now counted in your library.
LOGistICAL 2 DLCs will now get their long awaited achievements.

Adding achievements is a long process so I will create them for each module and then re-publish the game.
Each modules will have achievements for:
  • Completing the module
  • Completing each region and sub-region within the module
  • Completing 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200... towns/businesses/broken roads or upgrading industries
  • Completing some contracts
  • Completing some towns (based on the size of the module)
Each achievement will be tagged with the modules abbreviation (eg. TV: for Tuvalu)
As each module is complete, I will post an update on what module was updated.
To get the achievements for the module with new achievements, you just need to open that module up in LOGistICAL 2.
To celebrate this milestone Sacada is discounting all LOGistICAL 2 DLCs that are effected by 50% and the rest of the modules by 40%.
3rd Fed 2020 to 10th Feb 2020
  • LOGistICAL 2: Indonesia - Bundle
  • LOGistICAL 2: Mall Rats
  • LOGistICAL 2: Sweden (discounted for first week of release - 30th Jan 2020)
  • LOGistICAL 2: USA - Texas - Bundle
  • LOGistICAL 2: USA - Washington
  • LOGistICAL 2: Vampires - Bundle
  • LOGistICAL 2: Tuvalu (FREE)
  • LOGistICAL 2: Suriname (FREE)

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LOGistICAL in 2020: Lunar New Year Sale

Steam 2020 - Lunar New Year Sale is now on and LOGistICAL is joining in.
Start: Jan 23, 2020
Finish: Jan 27, 2020

LOGistICAL 1 is 50% off
All LOGistICAL 1 DLCs are 40% off
All LOGistICAL 1 stand-alones are 40% off

LOGistICAL 2 is 40% off
All LOGistICAL 2 DLCs are 40% off
All LOGistICAL 2 stand-alones are 40% off

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LOGistICAL in Steam Winter Sale

Up to 50% off
Steam Winter Sale is now on and LOGistICAL is joining in.
Start: Dec 20, 2019
Finish: Jan 02, 2020

LOGistICAL 1 is 50% off
All LOGistICAL 1 DLCs are 40% off
All LOGistICAL 1 stand-alones are 40% off

LOGistICAL 2 is 30% off
All LOGistICAL 2 DLCs are 30% off*
All LOGistICAL 2 stand-alones are 30% off

* LOGistICAL 2: Mall Rats is too new to be discounted.

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LOGistICAL 2: Update #822

The Steam Autumn sale is on and LOGistICAL is in it. Lots of Discounts including:
50% off LOGistICAL
40% off LOGistICAL 1 other modules (DLC and Standalone)
30% off LOGistICAL 2 modules and additions (DLC and Standalone)*

*Does not include newer modules that are too soon to discount.

LOGistICAL 2: Mall Rats

Unlike LOGistICAL 2: Vampires, LOGistICAL 2: Mall Rats is not about sprawling rats.

Mall Rat: "a young person who frequents shopping malls, usually for social purposes"

Mall Rats is more along your traditional type of LOGistICAL game with an emphasis on puzzles. There is both the tough consumption towns as well as non-consumption "idle" malls to complete.
Mall Rats' roads is in the style of LOGistICAL 1 with straight lines between towns.
Mall Rats cover all the states of the USA and also approximately another 1000 additional towns.
Travel is between the state capitals and then down to each of the towns and businesses.
The businesses are the malls of the USA. There are a lot of them and some are huge.

Mall Rats uses big, fast trucks with lots of puzzling town locks to figure out.

Mall Rats should go live on the 2nd Dec 2019.

LOGistICAL Updates Build #822

There are a bunch of standard updates with some fixes to some of the newer modules like Texas, Indonesia and Vampires.
There is also a couple of new features.

The Towns are Back

For those that have missed the towns on the map, they are back.
They are looking just the same but now you can turn them completely off in the settings.
The choice is now yours to view them or not.

Control Drop

I love this one. It is very simple and once you get used to it, it may also become your favourite new tool.

While dragging a truck with a cargo, you will often hover over the providing industry and find that it is in need of a resource input. To cancel creating a route, you have to drop the "drag" somewhere and then have to find that town somewhere on the map.
Once found you then drag the input resource to find its source industry. This can happen a few times.

NOW... you can "ctrl drop" the "drag".
When you drag your truck over the source industry, hold down the control key on the keyboard and then drop the truck. A route is not created and instead that town is selected. You can then drag the input resource (or whatever you needed to do) without having to re-find that town.

I am finding that I am using this in a variety of ways.
If I need to find an industry of some sort (for example a wool mill), I find an industry that has fertilizer in it (there are lots of them).
I start dragging any truck (even one that is doing something totally different as you don't end up assigning that truck a job so it doesn't matter).
I drag the truck to a shearing shed industry.
I then "ctrl-drop" onto that town.
The town with the shearing shed is now selected.
I can then drag the wool from the industry output, over the map, to find the wool mill and "ctrl-drop" onto that town.
Done. I have the wool mill industry's town selected.
I can then select an available truck and use it to do whatever I needed to do.

Superboost Redistribution

There are a few modules that use superboosts. They are the ones that keep multiplying your truck's speed by 2x, 4x, etc.
The problem is that only the final truck delivering the cargo gets the superboost.

Not anymore. Now if your last delivery truck is already maxed out with superboosts, that superboost will go to your oldest truck on your list that isn't superboost maxed out.

If all trucks are maxed out, then the superboost is wasted.

This will work for all older modules that use superboosts.

Bulk Pin Removal

If your map is looking like an acupuncture scene, you can now remove many pins at once.

Press "shift-O" to remove all the pins of the same colour and stripe colour (shift-P).
There is a warning message, just in case you change your mind.

Truck Dragging

Just a few updates in the truck dragging routines, like turning off all the business icons so you can see your map better.

Thank You

I would just like to publicly thank all the testers that have worked on this upcoming module and on all the LOGistICAL modules over the years.
It is a love job and they do a tremendous job trying to complete each module before the release dates. Trying to keep ahead of some of the power players (you know who you are :D ) is quite a difficult task.

I would also like to thank all those that contribute issues they find in the game and are often there to help me through the process of reproducing errors until it gets fixed and is then great for everyone that follows.

Thank you all that give me all the great encouragement messages to continue to produce more product. I hope to continue and our team of dedicated players grows over time. It is a special game and once you get it, it is great fun.

And for all those that just quietly play in the background. Thank you too, for your support.


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LOGistICAL 2: Vampires

Romania with Vampires at 30% off for first week.
LOGistICAL 2: Vampires is now available as a full release DLC of LOGistICAL 2.
There is a FREE starter section to try it out.

You can purchase LOGistICAL 2: Vampires either through the in-application purchasing or buy the bundle via the Steam Store.

There is a 30% discount for the first week and also a larger discount if you buy it as part of a bundle.

How to Play

For those not familiar with any LOGistICAL, the basic goal of the game is to complete all the towns and businesses throughout a country. This will require keeping up cargo deliveries with town needs. There are many complex supply chains, industries to upgrade (or buy), roads to fix, contracts to complete. Lots of stuff to do.

There are quite a few starter games that you can play to get the hang of it. Try the tutorial (very basic) and Tuvalu, which is quite a large game for a tutorial style game.

How to Play with Vampires

LOGistICAL 2: Vampires introduces a new level of complexity to the game.

There are lots of bats to deal with. They do not harm you or your trucks, but the can nest and lock towns causing trouble.

You may be used to just sending a truck across the country to discover everything quickly. If you do that in "Vampires" you will disturb many bats and next thing you have a big job on hand.
Fixing roads is also not always a good idea to start with as the bats won't cross broken roads. Beware, they will cross road upgrades.

The starting area is a little different to the rest of the map. To wake a bat you will need to enter the cemetery or castle. Once you get out of the first region, just driving past a cemetery or castle will wake the bats.
Hint: Use road upgrades to control where your truck routes to avoid those castles.

The is a bat in each cemetery and many in each castle.

Once a bat starts flying around the map it will be invincible for a short while. It will have a red glow if you can't harm it.

Removing Bats

To get rid of bats you need to use Holy Water. This can be built in many of the churches around the map.
Find churches that require Silver and they may build an Altar. If they do build an Altar, you can deliver water to it to be blessed and transformed into Holy Water.

Deliver Holy Water to places around the map that need it and try to intercept bats flying around. It might be a good idea to park the truck (full of Holy Water) on the road before it reaches its destination. If you do intercept a bat you will stop it and may even get rid of it for ever if you have enough Holy Water.

It is a good idea to find a place to deliver Holy Water to that is on the other side of the bats. That will allow you to create routes right through where the bats are flying around.

Injured bats can heal if they find a town they have not yet nested in.


Once bats are awake and flying around the map, they will find their way to towns and businesses to find places to nest. Bats will only nest in each town once.

A nesting bat will create a pup (baby bat) and then continue to find more places to next. Each other bat that visits the pup will feed it only once and the pup will grow.

Nesting bats will be disturbed by any visiting trucks causing them to stop nesting and fly away.


Vampires (bats) don't like garlic.
Deliver garlic to towns that have nesting bats. Once the garlic level reaches the padlock amount the bat will leave. The bat may be quite large by this stage, so you might want to be ready with some Holy Water.

Once any amount of garlic has been delivered to a towns or businesses, the bats will keep away.


If you get too many bats there are ways of getting back some control over the map.

There are a variety of bombs that you can create to control or get rid of large amounts of bats at once.

To create a bomb you need to build "A Single Storage". These can be built in incomplete or complete towns.

Select the "Build Industry" in the town (if not greyed out) and select "A Single Storage" from the list of industries. Next, select the storage type. There are three bomb types "Apple", "Garlic" and "Holy Water". The rest are just standard storage sheds.

Deliver cargo to the Single Storage. The more cargo, the bigger the bomb (up to 500t per bomb).
Click the "Bomb" icon to arm the bomb. The flashing ring on the map will show you the radius of the bomb. Click OK to ignite the bomb.

Apple Bomb

The Apple Bomb attracts bats. All bats within the bomb radius will fly towards the bomb.
It makes the bats easier to deal with if they are all in the same place.

Garlic Bomb

If you have lots of nesting bats, then look at getting a Garlic Bomb.
The Garlic Bomb will deliver a garlic scent to each town and business within the growing bomb ring. Those on the outer edge of the ring may not get as much.
If the amount of garlic expelled to each town is greater than the padlocked amount, the bat will be expelled from the town.
If there are no nesting bats within the town the garlic scent will just blow away.

Holy Water Bomb

This is the mega bomb of bombs.
Ignite a Holy Water bomb to damage all bats within the expanding bomb radius. Enough damage and the bat will disappear forever.


Some regions (Bucharest and Centru) have very high bat counts and large bats. Be careful entering these areas. Maybe do all the surrounding areas first.

Read your contracts. There can be useful information on them.

Good luck and enjoy,


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Train Stations in Texas

Bigger than railyards
In LOGistICAL 2: USA - Texas everything is bigger.

The town needs are bigger.
The road network is bigger.
The industries are bigger.
The rail system is bigger.
Attractions are bigger.

... and then there were railyards.

Railyards allow you to build a single resource storage facility joining the road and rail systems. They are cheap and do the job well.
But railyards are just not enough for any hard playing LOGistICAL player.


So now I am happy to introduce:

LOGistICAL train stations is a simple tool that will create a train station in an existing town.
ie It links the town to the rail system so now trains can do everything that a truck could do at that town.

Complete a town.
Click on the town to show the town popup.
Click on the orange train icon to build a train station.

  • Train stations can only be a built in completed towns
  • You must have built at least 8 railyards before you can build a train station
  • The town must be within a short distance from a rail switch (1 or 3 or more tracks joining)
  • Train Stations cost 10 x town's population x region multiplier (minimum $100,000)

  • Build #812d on LOGistICAL 2.

    Happy LOGistICAL playing,

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LOGistICAL 2: USA - Texas

LOGistICAL 2: USA - Texas is out now starting with a FREE sub-module of Southern Texas.



LOGistICAL 2: USA - Texas includes a complex rail system.

The rail system is a secondary network system winding throughout the map just like the road system.
To get resources delivered by rail, you will need to find a point where rail and road join. There is a contract to head you in the right direction.
Once you find the rail depot you will be given a small train to get you started with a contract to help you get the hang of this new toy.


For every 10 businesses you complete you will be given a "railyard" build token. A railyard is a spot on the map that will allow you to transfer resources from trucks to trains and back. It has a large storage capacity of the resource of your choice.

Once you have a railyard build token, you can build a railyard. Just under the "money" panel at the top of the screen you will find a new button with an "R" on it (keyboard "F"). Click this button to create a railyard.
Next drag your mouse over your map and you will see the railyard sending connecting road and rail lines to the nearest junctions (looks like a two legged Daddy Long Legs spider). Find a spot that is close to both rail and road and then click. Anywhere can work as long as both rail and road are visible on the screen.
Next you will get a popup to select the resource type that you would like transferred at that railyard. You can't change the resource of a railyard once complete.

To cancel the railyard placing process, click the button again (or keyboard "F").
To cancel the process when selecting a resource, click the "X" on the resource selection panel.
To sell a railyard click the sell ($) symbol on the storage icon in the town popup of the railyard.


LOGistICAL 2: USA - Texas will be a slow release module like Indonesia.
There are 13 sub-modules and they will release every Friday and Monday (starting on the 4th of October 2019).
The first module is free and it is quite large, including some railway things to do.

You can now buy a DLC bundle that gives you access to all the sub-modules, as a preference to the in-app purchasing (you may even find that it is cheaper with a staring discount).



There are a bunch of modules that are also on sale this week only.

LOGistICAL: ABC Islands (FREE)
LOGistICAL: Brazil
LOGistICAL: British Isles
LOGistICAL: Caribbean
LOGistICAL: Chile
LOGistICAL: Italy
LOGistICAL: Japan
LOGistICAL: Norway
LOGistICAL: Russia
LOGistICAL: South Africa
LOGistICAL: Switzerland
LOGistICAL: USA - Florida
LOGistICAL: USA - New York
LOGistICAL: USA - Oregon
LOGistICAL: USA - Wisconsin


There are a bunch of updates that are also being released across most of the LOGistICAL modules. More info later.

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LOGistICAL 2: Indonesia Release

LOGistICAL 2: Indonesia is now available to play as a DLC of LOGistICAL 2.

LOGistICAL 2: Indonesia on Steam

Indonesia - Bali is free to play.
All other regions are in-app pay.
There is an option to buy the entire module with 12 sub-modules at 40% off.
Regions will slowly release every 3-4 days over the next month.
There are count down dates on each region.

LOGistICAL 2 become free to play on Wednesday.


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LOGistICAL 2 Changes (Free to Play)

As of the 28th August 2019 LOGistICAL 2 will be changing the way future modules are put together.

The LOGistICAL 2 game will become the hub of future LOGistICAL maps rather than creating new games for each module.

  • Each new module will be broken down into multiple smaller sub-modules.
  • LOGistICAL 2 will be "FREE to PLAY".
  • Most new maps will contain a free sub-module as a DLC to start.
  • Other sub-modules will be available with in-app purchasing.
  • Bundles will be available to purchase entire modules at once.
  • Sub-modules can have resources dependent on other sub-modules.
  • Sub-module dependencies auto select when clicked.
  • Currencies are automatically converted.
  • Sub-modules will be released weekly (or more frequently).

Example purchase screen.

Steam section of the in-app purchase

The current USA - Washington map of LOGistICAL 2 will become a DLC of LOGistICAL 2 and all current owners will continue to have access to this module.

There will be no change to any LOGistICAL 1 module.
There will be no change to the other existing LOGistICAL 2 modules.

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LOGistICAL 2: Update #791c

Build #791c is a general build to all "L1 to L2" and L2 modules.

I have been working on restructuring the main core code to cater for many smaller modules that will be available via either DLC or in-app purchasing. There is still work to be done in this area but it is fairly close.

After discussion with Steam, LOGistICAL: Indonesia will now be a DLC of LOGistICAL 2.
The first available module of Indonesia will be "Indonesia - Bali". This will be a free module to all owners of LOGistICAL 2. The other islands of Indonesia will be available soon after as a progressive roll-out. I am creating a discount bundle for Indonesia for those that want the entire module.


- Fix for the high scores not being accessible from the Statistics page
- Update on the statistics to include all the town and mailbox totals from all the modules that aren't currently loaded.
- Removal of businesses in high scores from L1 modules
- More work on the map drag and rendering. Nearly all done.
- Optimisations in the running of the game to cater for the larger modules with lots of roads
- New code that requires town fixes before specific roads become available
- Moved the code to connect to Steam further into the code as it isn't initialising fast enough for some players and causing an error
- Added more animations when finishing a town to indicate bonus earned
- Added "?" for unknown inputs into industries
- I added a list of LOGistICAL games that the current module will open in, on the globe page. Mouse over module to view.

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LOGistICAL: Update #784c

This update gives some major overhauls since the L1 to L2 upgrade to make map navigation much faster independent of the map size, map detail, and screen size.
The new method also allows zooming at any value rather than at specific increments.


#784c Updates
  • Reduced the pre-rendered screens to 1
  • Ghosted a larger bitmap image behind the screen when dragging
  • Updated the town popup graphics
  • Updated numbers on the town popup to give decimal places
  • Show the town roads when zoomed out at all resolutions
  • Removal of animations on the town popup
  • Added a link to go back to the globe from the play screen
  • Show town popup on left side of the screen when dragging trucks on the right
  • Fixed some one-way road issues in France
  • Resorted the module list on the globe showing all of the current game's playable modules at the top
  • Updated the L1 to L2 import where some trucks caused problems
  • Fixed some mailbox numbers in statistics
  • Added ticks to contracts so completed ones could be seen when detail is showing


L1 to L2 upgrades
  • LOGistICAL: USA - Florida
  • LOGistICAL: USA - New York
  • LOGistICAL: USA - Oregon
  • LOGistICAL: USA - Wisconsin
  • LOGistICAL: South Africa

I have been too busy with these updates to get the planned modules released, so Indonesia and Vampires have been delayed.

I did create a small new module "Tuvalu", which is available FREE.
It can be loaded through LOGistICAL 2, Washington, Nevada, Belgium or France.

Thanks for your support and patience.

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IMPORTANT: LOGistICAL 1 upgrade to LOGistICAL 2

The time has finally come to upgrade LOGistICAL 1 (L1) into the LOGistICAL 2 (L2) framework.

Over the next few weeks most of the L1 modules will be upgraded into the L2 framework.

Current Status of L1 modules

I will keep this section updated as more modules get upgraded to L2.

Complete on Live
These modules are fully upgraded to the L2 framework and have had their backgrounds upgraded.
Each of these are split into bootable groups. Select any of the modules within the group to be able to play any of the others within that group. For achievements you will need to play the actual game.

  • Group 1
  • LOGistICAL
  • LOGistICAL: Netherlands
  • LOGistICAL: New Zealand
  • LOGistICAL: Germany
  • LOGistICAL: Canada
  • LOGistICAL: Egypt
  • LOGistICAL: USA - Hawaii
  • LOGistICAL: USA - California
  • LOGistICAL: ABC Islands
  • LOGistICAL: Isle of Man
  • LOGistICAL: Tutorial
  • LOGistICAL: Xmas (2017)
    Group 2
  • LOGistICAL: Chile
  • LOGistICAL: British Isles
  • LOGistICAL: Norway
  • LOGistICAL: Switzerland
  • LOGistICAL: Brazil
  • LOGistICAL: Italy
  • LOGistICAL: Switzerland
  • LOGistICAL: ABC Islands
  • LOGistICAL: Isle of Man
  • LOGistICAL: Tutorial
  • LOGistICAL: Xmas (2017)
What this means

L2 is now over 200 builds ahead of L1. Many of these upgrades are L2 specific, but there have been many other nice fixes and features added that will be great for L1 as well.

After all the L2 upgrades and map enhancements, the main differences between L2 and L1 will be the complex roads and the businesses. Businesses are like non-consuming towns, though they sometimes have more functionality.
There are many new L2 modules in development coming out soon, covering many different play-styles as there are many different player preferences.

Partial screenshot of "LOGistICAL: USA - California" in the L2 framework.


How will it work

I am trying to make the L1 to L2 upgrade and save game import process as seamless as possible.

Once the beta testing is complete the L2 framework will go Live for L1. This will start with the main LOGistICAL module and its DLCs and then slowly work across all the other LOGistICAL 1 modules.

The first thing you will notice is the build number at the top of the globe page increasing by over 200 build numbers.

The front page will show you the latest news which is now sourced from an external site and so doesn't require a build to upgrade it.

The save game

A large change in this build is that every module now has its own save game file.

This provides much quicker saving and reduced the complexity with integrated modules.

You will now be able to launch different games via Steam to play simultaneously in different modules without overwriting the save of another module.

The first time you load an L1 module in an L2 framework, you will get the same load window with the same files within it.

Select your L1 save game and it will "import" it into the new L2 framework.

Once the game loads and saves it will create a new file name with the prefix of the module that you played.
Next time you play the same module you will get the new L2 save game.

For example:
Load save game "00277_20190204" from LOGistICAL (California)
It will save as "USCA00002_20190604"

Note: There is no path to go from L2 back to L1.
ie. You cannot open an L2 save game in L1.

If you are not ready to upgrade L1 to L2 yet

For a short period of time I will keep a copy of the L1 build #540 available as a "beta" version called "L1 540"

If you want to continue to play in the L1 framework or wish to put your trucks into strategic positions before the upgrade, you can do this from here.

To open the "L1 540" beta build:

  • Right click on the game within Steam and select "Properties"
  • Select the "BETA" tab
  • Select the "L1 540" build from the drop down list.
  • There is no password required.
  • The old build should now download and you can play as you normally would.

Note: There will be no L2 save games within the load game directory.

If you do this and then wish to get back to the new L2 version, follow the same steps above, but instead select the "NONE: Opt out of all beta programs" option in the drop down list on the BETAs tab.
This will have to be done for each of the LOGistICAL games if you have done it in those as well.

L1 to L2 fundamental differences

There are now independent saves for each module including each DLC (see above for more detail)

Australia (AU) and New Zealand (NZ) are now two totally separate games.
Playing NZ no longer loads AU and there is no path across the Tasman Sea.
New start contracts place you at a port near Auckland.
The industries from AU that were required in NZ have now been added at the Auckland port.
The trucks that were used from AU will not import into L2. Instead there is a new truck depot at the Auckland port were you can buy four new trucks (with boosts).

Global speedups will no longer be global.
All the global speedups that you have earned will import into the new saves.
There are new "local" speedup contracts to help you quickly get some speed in each modules. Most of these start with 5 or less towns to complete.
There are enough "local" speedups to get to the maximum speed of the module.

L2 updates

There have been many fixes and enhancements added since the last L1 build (#540). Most of these are available from the "LOGistICAL News" website that shows on the loading screen.

LOGistICAL News Link[]

The background maps of L2 are vector based (instead of bitmaps) and can give a lot more detail.
The old L1 maps are being slowly upgraded to L2 maps. It makes for a much nicer interface on every zoom level.
Here is an example of an L1 screenshot in L2 (California).


How to beta test

It is great to have as many beta testers on this one as possible.

To try out the new L2 framework with the L1 modules...

  • Right click on the game within Steam and select "Properties"
  • Select the "BETA" tab
  • Select the "L1 to L2 beta" build from the drop down list.
  • There is no password required.
  • The new build should now download and you can play as you normally would.

If you have any issues or questions, post them publicly in the LOGistICAL forum on Steam or the LOGistICAL Discord.

Thanks everyone for playing, beta testing and for coming back here for more LOGistICALling.


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Update #754

A small build with a few important fixes and a nice tool.

  • Added keyboard "F" to toggle better highlight of the end of roads
  • Fixed problem with padlock over input industries showing up at the wrong time
  • Found and fixed problem with top-left buttons disappearing and not reappearing
  • Fixed road contract in USWA that was stopping some games loading
  • Broke the roads in Belgium as they should be

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blog post

Town Score and the High Score Data

A modification to put a "cap" on the amount of points a business could receive was introduced a while ago in L2.

This process basically set a static value of the "truck tonnage" that was delivering to businesses, so you could do it with a large truck or a small truck and it didn't alter the final score for that business.
I think doing businesses with the smallest trucks available that could take days to weeks was just not good for anyone's health. I know. I have done it myself (Xmas 2017).

This "cap" for businesses actually introduced a problem as it also mistakenly applied to the actual towns that use consumption.
This latest for a short while until I noticed and corrected with a build update one day after the release of France.

Now it is time to correct this mistake.

While France is still active with lots of players that haven't completed it yet, this current build has a process that will find missing high score values and replace those missing ones.

To make this work, I am going to move the high score data from France that was posted prior to 2nd May 2019.
When you load your game up a check will be done between the count of towns in your save game and the high score table. It will then upload those missing towns to the high score table and balance will be restored.
The process involves queuing the data as I have found posting them all at once misses a large amount of them.
If it doesn't get them all the first time, it will continue the next to you restart your game. 
If nothing triggers at the start of the game, you can force it to trigger by clicking the statistics (F2).
It will only do it once during any game session.

You should see the data being processed in the "events log" at the bottom right of the screen.

Sorry for any inconvenience and I hope this process goes as smoothly as the test cases.

Happy trucking,

... and now onto the additional build modifications...

Build #753
  • Fixed problem with -ve values for Haulage (visible in to completion screen. ie click on town resources once town is complete). Does not fix current -ve scores retrospectively.
  • Routine to find missing high scores and resend them to the server (you need to be on the module where the missing scores are).
  • Extended routine for missing town highscores to include no towns on highscore server
  • Fixed collection of roads in Suriname
  • Corrected the total town amount in Suriname to 28 towns.
  • Put a ring around incomplete towns to see them better when zoomed out
  • Fixed a couple of rendering issues
  • Set a 1/2 second time delay when sending bulk records to the high score server
  • Set up routine to fix high scores after some get removed due to being incorrect
  • Added text under the % rendering to indicate what is happening
  • Moved the "Loading... " text up from the bottom of the screen
  • Added businesses to "missing towns on high score server" routine

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LOGistICAL Sale. Up to 50% off LOGistICAL and modules

LOGistICAL is having its own special sale.

Last chance to grab cheap modules for a couple of months.

Sacada's Store

50% off LOGistICAL 1 base game.

40% off all LOGistICAL 1 DLCs and standalones

30% off all LOGistICAL 2 stand-alone modules.

FREE LOGistICAL 2: Suriname (Xmas 2018) - with L2 games

FREE LOGistICAL: Xmas 2017


Up to 30% additional discount for bundles

Note: France is too new for a discount.


Sacada's Store

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LOGistICAL 2: France

LOGistICAL 2: France is a large open-world, strategy, puzzle game where you transport different cargoes to complete all the towns throughout the country.

LOGistICAL 2: France has a strong focus on the puzzling aspects of LOGistICAL and takes you back to the non-business town-only playing strategies of LOGistICAL 1 while retaining the high resolution road systems of LOGistICAL 2.

Over 3500 towns and 50 businesses to complete.

Each LOGistICAL module has many unique things to do. In LOGistICAL 2: France you can:

  • Fix roads to towns throughout the complex road system.
  • Most trucks sizes fit on all the roads, even with cargo.
  • There are lots of quarantine zones.
  • Some regions don't allow building any industries.
  • Complex LOGistICAL puzzle solving around the quarantines.
  • Roads to towns are all of the highest quality, so don't need upgrading.
  • Find some of the industries throughout the map. Upgrade them so you can build your own.
  • 13 new industries and 13 new resources.
  • Over 180 industry types.
  • Truck boosts include a super speed multiplier.
  • Module includes contracts to complete for those not knowing just where to start.
  • Businesses don't consume resources.
  • Businesses have a static score this is not based on trucks sizes or amounts.
  • NEW: Information button to show details about any town.
  • NEW: Information button to show details some of the businesses.
  • Pre-rendering of the maps (35km and greater) to bitmap to speed up the game play when zoomed out.

LOGistICAL 2 brings you all the fun and puzzling of LOGistICAL with even more towns, more puzzles and much more to do.

This LOGistICAL 2: France module brings you over 3500 towns to complete.

LOGistICAL 2: France game covers the country of France including cities like Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse and many, many more.
There are many new obstacles and deliveries to make.

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LOGistICAL 2: Update #722

Just a couple of annoyances being worked on. Neither are perfect yet but will be shortly.

Build #722
  • Ignore zero length roads for upgrades and loading bays.

    There are many zero length roads throughout Nevada. They are recognizable as purple dots that are on the road, usually at a business or town junction. Due to their size it made these points near impossible to select.
    To remove some issues with these in the past, they have been set as the highest level road (hence their colour and size) so they don't need to be upgraded and all trucks can pass on them.

    Now it is time to "ignore" those roads. The first section of code has been implemented that will find all nodes and then move all adjoining roads from one end to the other end.

    Note: This works in most cases, though I have found one spot with multiple zero length roads (purple dots) together with 4 businesses. In this case each business is selectable and loading bays work, but one business gives 2 businesses on the loading bay, another gives 3 and the third and forth gives all 4.
  • Stop regions continuously showing end sequence for each complete business after all towns done.

    Note: This is a first implementation which when found and popping will mark that region as complete to not pop the next time. So for the time being, there will still be a pop for each region each time the game restarts.

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20 blog posts