LOGistICAL Manual/Wiki
by Sacada (2nd edition: 15 Mar 2017)
Complete all the towns over the map
Sub objectives
Fix all the broken roads on the map
Upgrade all the existing industries to level 3
Upgrade all the existing stores to level 3
Buy all the different types of industries
Buy a new truck of each type
Achieve all the achievements
Buy trucks and deliver cargo
Deliver cargoes to towns and suburbs to “complete” the towns
Deliver cargoes to industries to facilitate production of secondary and tertiary cargoes
Deliver cargoes to industries to allow industries to upgrade
Build storage depots to allow delivery of large quantities of cargo long distances
Build industries to facilitate the production of cargoes in new areas
Game Interface
Main Buttons
Click to open. Click to close
X - click to close window
Name of Player
Maps - turn the image of map on/off can increase interface speed
Friends - turn images of friends on/off on the map
Town Names - turn town names on map on/off
Music - turn the music on/off
Sound Fx - turn the sound effects on/off
Buy Game - Click to buy the game (required after fixing 20 towns)
Meta Data of current player
Truck List
Click to hide/unhide truck list. Default not hidden
Industry List
Click to open/close industry list
Shows all industries that have been found by the player
Sort by industries and then stores
Sort by Alpha title of industry/store
X - click to close window
3 icon - indicates an industry of that type has been upgraded to level 3
MouseOver - shows industry with inputs and outputs
Contracts and Achievements
Number on button indicates current amount of outstanding contracts
Click to open/close Contracts/Achievements window
X - Close window
Up/Down Arrow - expand/contract all contracts or not complete contracts
Contracts/Achievements - toggle window between the two lists
Contract List
Blue info icon - click to open contract window
Red info icon - current selected contract
Highlights towns in red indicated on contract
Contract title
Complete - highlighted if contract is complete
Contract Page
X - click to close window
Contract Title
Red - Contract reward
Text - explanation of current contract
Image - ghosted image of contract type
List of all the regions on the map
Totals for states and country
Image icons to identify all achievements that are complete
Image icons make up a large image
Numbers and Symbols
Click to show/hide Payments Window
X - click to close window
Payments Title
List of last payments made
Net income
Gross income
Cargo Type
MouseOver to show quick help on each number
Current Money - if negative you can’t buy new trucks
Image of statue
Number of statues - number of the towns currently complete
Number of Roads - number of roads fixed
Number of Level 3s - number of industries upgraded to Level 3
Number of Own - number of industries and stores that you have built
Last Transaction - Net value of last transaction
The Truck List
Left/Right arrow in top left
Expand/contract truck list (auto for small screens)
Paint palette icon
On/Off mode to paint trucks
Click truck to cycle through colour choices
Image of truck
Click on truck image to highlight truck and center truck on map
Truck Warning
Indicates if truck has stopped due to cargo out or industry is full
Click on image to highlight truck and center truck on map
Truck warning flashes on the Truck Dash
Truck Number and Name
Name only visible in expanded mode
Type of Truck
Click to highlight truck
Booster (B), Power Boost (P), Loader (L)
Written under truck name if truck has functionality installed
Letter written after truck number if functioning in contracted mode
Click to highlight truck
Truck cargo
Image of current truck cargo
Click to highlight truck without moving map
From Town, To Town
The “From Town” is where the cargo is being delivered from
The “To Town” is where the cargo is being delivered to
Click on either to highlight truck and center that town on map
Repeat symbol
Indicates if the truck is on a continuous repeat cycle
Click to highlight truck
Green light indicator
On = truck will fully unload cargo
Off = truck will stop unloading when town has enough cargo
Cargo Empty - Full indicator
Identify as a pie chart how full the truck is
Click to highlight truck
Truck Dash
Click on truck in the truck list to show the current truck’s dash
Dial for the current speed of the truck
Colour and speed maximum to identify truck type
Number and name of the current truck
Flashing warning message if triggered
Odometer reading - entire kms truck has travelled
Booster - kms left with speeder option that doubles empty speed
Power Boost - kms left with grunter option that doubles empty and full speed
Loader - number of loaders left with 5 x speed when loading cargo
MouseOver - kms since owning the current truck
MouseOver - total $ income of the current truck
MouseOver - total $ expense of current truck
Full/empty of cargo (not fuel)
Size of the truck in tonne (t)
Image of current cargo
Green light and button to stop truck from fully unloading when destination is satisfied (off = don’t unload).
“+” button - zoom into map
“-” button - zoom out of map
“Repeat” button - truck will repeat current trip until destination is satisfied
“...” button - extra options for current truck. Click to skip
“Skip” button - skip the current loading and send truck to destination
“Cancel Load” button - dump the current load at cost of cargo (min cost $1000.00)
“Sell Truck” button - sell the current truck and cancel current load
“Power” button - start/stop truck load, unload or movement
The Map
Shows all the towns across the map
Towns with a population over 500,000 are in larger typeface
Shows the industries of towns that have been found
MouseOver town to show closeup of town and industries
Industries needing an upgrade will have the upgrade cargo shown
Shows the roads between the towns
Colour of the road indicates the top speed on that road
MouseDown - colour of the road indicates that smallest vehicle that can travel on it
Icons of the trucks in respect to where they are
Image of cargo within the truck
Image of cargo loading/unloading for the truck
Red rings - current selected truck
Yellow/green rings - current selected town
Red flag - Current selected town
Green flag - Depot town where you can buy trucks
Click on town to show town popup window
Yellow/green route of current truck
Yellow/Red route of current truck if on repeat
Conveyor belt icon representation of truck’s current cargo
Quarantine icon to identify that not all cargo types can travel on that road
MouseOver - ring list quarantine items that can’t be transported along road
Drag screen to move map
Mouse to edge of screen to move map
Wheely mouse to zoom in/out
Town Popup
The town popup show information about the currently selected town
You can click on another town to bring up the next towns information
X - click to close window
Town Title
Town region and state
Town population - this value drives the needs of the towns
Buy Industry
Shows if there are any industries that are upgraded to a level 3
Shows if the town has less than four industries
Shows if town’s population divided by 5000 is greater than the current number of industries in that town
Click for industry buying pop-up
MouseOver - shows the price of the industry
Drag mouse up/down to change the size and cost of the industry
Smaller industries produce at smaller rates
Smaller industries have smaller input and output holding areas
Click on an industry at the price you want to purchase the industry
Click the close box if you no longer want the industry
Buy Truck
Only towns with a depot and green flag have the buy truck button
Only a total of 15 trucks can be owned at any time
X - click to close the window
Title of the truck shop
Only trucks that are cheaper than your current money are available for purchase
Trucks with a red strike through them cannot be purchased
Truck image
Truck price
New or Used
Truck name
Truck kms on odometer
Description about current truck
Carrying capacity of truck
Town Needs
Series of bars indicating what the town needs
Left side of bar indicates the cargoes needed to satisfy the town needs
Multiple bars indicate multiple cargoes needed to be delivered simultaneously
Multiple cargoes in any single bar indicate all the different cargoes that can increase this bar
Question marks show cargoes that have not yet been found
The right hand side of the bar shows how much cargo has been delivered to the town as a percentage
The number at the right hand side shows the amount of tonnes the town needs to reach 100% capacity
Once any cargo is delivered to a town, the bar changes colour to indicate the percentage that the town currently has
The bar is red until 50%
The bar is yellow until 90%. Once the bar is yellow the consumption rate is reduced
The bar is green after 90% and the consumption rate is reduced again
The town will be satisfied once all bars are simultaneously above 90%
Drag a cargo image onto the map and the map changes to highlight towns that provide that cargo. Each town has a number to indicate the number of tonnes that are available to be delivered at the current time. The current selected truck will have a new route created once the mouse is dropped over a highlighted town with a blue circle
The map will show a line from the currently selected town that requires the cargo to the mouse icon
The mouse end show an image and the number and name of the currently selected truck that will have it’s route changed
A series of cargo icons will scroll towards the town indicating the town needs this cargo delivered
Drag the mouse on top of a town with a blue circle and the town popup will change to that town so the player can see more details of the town
The player can drop the icon onto the highlighted town to create the new route
The player can drop the icon anywhere that is not a highlighted town to cancel the action
The new route will be one-way (ie no repeat)
Storage to storage: Mouse over town with storage and notice direction. Move mouse away from town and back on to town and direction swaps.
Drag anywhere in the cargo list (highlighted black) to show all towns that have any of the cargoes available to satisfy that blocks needs
Drag the “All” button onto the map to highlight all towns that can provide for all cargo block needs
The list of industries that the town has sorted by Industry then Storage, sorted alphabetically
Industries are centered
Storages are left justified
Center - Icon showing the industry
Title of the industry
White circle with number - shows tonnes of cargo to be delivered to or from industry before next possible upgrade
Green circle with number - shows tonnes of upgrade cargo required to upgrade the industry to the next level
Flashing image and title - the cargo that is required to upgrade the industry
When the industry has a green circle, drag the industry icon onto the map to find towns that have the upgrade cargo and set up a route for the current truck
Inputs - left of industry
List of cargoes required to input into the industry to produce output
Not all industries require input. These industries will continue to produce output without any required input
Each cargo is required to produce any output
Yellow circle with number - shows the maximum tonnes available for storage and the percentage full. Industries are able to store more, but the trucks are halted
Drag the input onto the map to find towns that can provide input cargo for the industry and to set up a route for the current truck
Outputs - right of industry
List of output cargos that the industry produces
Yellow circle with number - shows the maximum tonnage available at the storage. Industries cannot produce more than is available
Drag the output onto the map to find towns that require that cargo for either their town needs, their industry inputs, road maintenance or storage
The icons will generally scroll away from the town indicating the cargo is moving out, but can scroll back into town when delivery is to a storage industry
Icons are left justified
The word “Storage” is to the left of the industry icon to indicate storage
The storage industry has upgrade circles, numbers and cargo icons the same as for any industry
Inputs and outputs - right of the industry
All inputs into the storage industry immediately become outputs
The yellow circle with number - shows the maximum storage capacity of the storage
Storage can exceed the maximum value, but the truck will stop
Roads, Bridges, Ferries, etc
This area shows all roads that start or end at the town that are damaged
The cargo type needed to fix the road is represented
The yellow circle and number - shows the tonnage needed to fix the road and the current percentage complete
Some roads require boats for transport across water
If there are more than one damaged road, the cargoes show up in no particular order
Towns choose which roads are fixed first
Some Rules
Towns choose where cargo input into the town go, but the general rule of thumb is Town Needs, Industry Upgrade, Road Maintenance, Industry Inputs, Storage
The larger the truck, the less places it can travel
Players can only have a maximum of 15 trucks
If you can’t afford the truck, you can’t purchase it
You can stop a truck and redirect it to another town that requires the same input
You can cancel a truck’s delivery with the cancel button on the truck’s dash
If you sell a truck you can’t get it back
Trucks will continue to deliver cargoes to a destination if another truck has satisfied destinations need
These trucks can be stopped and redirected
Only small trucks can travel on ferries
Towns will consume cargoes delivered until these needs have been satisfied
Towns consumption rate decreases once the bar goes yellow
Game Architecture
The game requires a mouse to play
The player logs into the game with your Steam account
The player’s current game is saved in Steam cloud storage
That's enough. Go out and enjoy it.